To all of my single ladies who will be spending Valentines Day alone.

This blog is dedicated to all of my single ladies who will be spending this Valentines day stag.

You’re single, Valentines Day is quickly approaching, and you’re gagging at the thought of seeing all of the happy couples, the facebook posts from your friends, and spend hours laying in bed contemplating spending that day in bed with a gallon of chocolate ice cream. I’ve been there.

I won’t deny it’s a rough holiday for some of us, But I see a much deeper meaning in this most common dreaded holiday.

Valentines Day isn’t just about having a hot date to the movies, or flowers showing up unexpectedly at the door. It’s about love.

Instead of spending your time wishing/wanting a Valentine, LET IT GO! It’s all an image, Besides, You know half of those women (men too!) aren’t as happy in their current situation than they put off, It’s just an image factor. (And you know it!)

This Valentines Day, is going to be different than any one you have experienced ladies! How you ask?

Forget the image. Forget the cliche dinner date, The cheaply made box of chocolates and trying to arrange a date. Spend that day, Loving you. We get so caught up in trying to please other people, We often forget to treat ourselves once in a while. So, get out and get that new haircut you’ve been wanting. Go buy the brightest bouquet of flowers you can find, and bring the beauty and light home!
(Don’t forget to use YOUR favorite vase!) Go buy your favorite box of chocolates, You will be going home relieved knowing someone didn’t buy you a two dollar box of chocolates you’ll be later tossing in the garbage anyways! Go for a scenic drive, grab a coffee, embrace the silence and serenity around you. Make that spa appointment you’ve been anxious to get into, dance around in your kitchen in your undies making your favorite cupcakes with those pink sprinkles you love so much. Spend your entire day loving you, do something that makes you feel beautiful, invincible, independent, and most of all happy.

I challenge you to step outside the box. Step outside of the image, and create your own image. It will be far more beautiful than the picture you could end up taking on your miserable blind date.

Surround yourself with love, ladies.

Remember you are loved.

Alone or not, You gotta walk ahead. Thing to remember is, If were all alone, Then we’re all together in that too.

– E

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